Roadside Stands & Farm Stores
While there are many ways to receive and enjoy products from Loudoun farms, perhaps none is easier than shopping from roadside stands and farm stores.
These stands can be as simple as a table or cart with one product on the side of the road, or as complex as a store with refrigerators, climate control and working staff. Products at roadside stands and farm stores tend to be fresh as possible, picked and made available to you and your family the same day.
Find Local Roadside Stands and Farm Stores
Roadside Stands at Your Convenience and Farm Stores
If you drive quickly down Loudoun’s idyllic back roads, you might miss the modest roadside stands and farm stores offering everything from vegetables and fruit to pies, meat, cheese, eggs and more.
Roadside stands generally operate on the honor system, with Loudoun’s low crime rate and high community trust making products available without supervision.
Available at any time that’s best for you, many farm stands have electronic or cashless payment options.

Unlike large retailers which throw out 25% of produce for being “ugly,” farm stands and stores allow customers to buy misshapen but perfectly good produce.