About Us
Loudoun Farms is a promotional effort by the Loudoun County Department of Economic Development to promote agricultural products and assist in the development of new agricultural businesses. The department promotes local food and farmer-to-consumer sales through directories and a number of farmers market opportunities in locations throughout the county.
Our staff also produces informational materials and sponsors educational programs along with offering agri-tourism events throughout the year.
Looking to start a new rural business or expand an existing business? Here’s how we can help:
- Assisting landowners with decisions about what crops to grow or additional agricultural services provided.
- Farm business planning.
- Coordination with Cooperative Extension for technical assistance.
- Marketing and promotions of your rural business.
- Navigation through the zoning/permitting process.
Loudoun Made, Loudoun Grown
Receive free promotional materials for your Loudoun-grown, Loudoun-made products.
The Department of Economic Development and the Loudoun Rural Economic Development Council are proud to launch the Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ Program. The goal of this branding initiative is to promote the continued development and success of Loudoun’s agriculture and specialty products.
1. Apply Here
2. Trademark Agreement
3. Branding Usage Guidelines

Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ highlights the county’s top quality rural economy products, including produce and value-added products made from produce; farm-raised meats; local dairy cheeses; products made from local wool, fleece and other animal fibers; baked goods; wine, beer, and cider; horticultural products; original works of art and more.
Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ strives to enhance the economic opportunities and success of Loudoun’s rural producers, including its farmers, processors and sellers, through increased sales and enhanced awareness of top quality local products.
Participants in the program receive promotion from the Department of Economic Development, and a toolkit including branded marketing items and the rights to use the associated logo on products.
Help us help consumers learn to recognize the Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ barn and silo logo, and trust that products bearing the logo have been made with care and authenticity in our own special community. Fill out the application linked above to register your own products.
Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ Agreement, Guidelines and Application
Only Loudoun products that are registered and acknowledged through the attached application form below are part of the Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ Program. In addition, those wishing to use the logo and affiliated collateral must first agree to adhere to the trademark agreement and guidelines by submitting the online application form.
Branding Kit and Supplies
Producers who register their use of the Loudoun, VA Made • Loudoun, VA Grown™ logo are eligible to use the electronic version of the logo, and to receive a free allotment of branding supplies, including stickers, bags and other collateral. This allotment will be provided by the DEPARTMENT, and may be resupplied to applicants as supplies and funds allow.
Submit a Farm Story, Event, or Recipe to be Featured on Loudoun Farms
Do you have a unique story about your farm? Or do you have an upcoming event that should be featured? Did you know that we have a recipe page that highlights local farms? Submit your story, event, or family recipe to be featured on the Loudoun Farms website and marketing channels! Simply fill out the form!