This feature on Farmer Terri Y. is part of Loudoun Economic Development’s award-winning Farmer Trading Card series, spotlighting farmers as heroes to our community. For more information on the Farmer Trading Card 2023 starting lineup, please visit Loudoun Farms.

Farmer Terri Young has owned Clairvaux Farm with her husband for about 18 years, but her professional farming prowess has also been her ticket to see the world.

Farmer Terri has more than 25 years of equestrian experience, including training with legends like Ann Kursinski, Frank Madden and Lendon Gray.

She completed her undergraduate degree at Syracuse University, where she not only excelled academically but also displayed exceptional leadership skills as the equestrian team’s captain, and ranked at the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association National Championships.

Equestrian excellence took her to Germany to work for Richard Bayha, managing a 40-horse training and sales business.

“I first got into this business because I saw what a positive impact working with horses has with others,” she said. “It can teach leadership skills, self confidence, teamwork, tenacity and time management.”

Horses can serve as powerful teachers in personal and professional development, as they are highly sensitive to non-verbal cues and respond to human behavior in unique ways. The popularity of equine assisted leadership programs, including training and learning to ride, can be explained by the significant perception of benefit, according to academic research.

In other words, horses are good teachers for helping humans become leaders.

Clairvaux Farm is a full-service equestrian facility that offers a range of services, including riding lessons, horse training, boarding, and horse shows. The farm’s mission is to provide a welcoming and supportive environment for riders to learn, grow, and achieve their goals in the sport.

Every day, Farmer Terri puts her leadership and expertise to good use, training horses and teaching riders at all levels of experience.

Under her guidance, students at Clairvaux Farm have achieved success at various levels of competition, from local schooling shows to prestigious events such as the USEF Pony Finals and the Washington International Horse Show.

As a sign of her stature in the industry, Farmer Terri is a certified United States Equestrian (USEF) “R” judge, which is the organization’s second highest certification.

She is also a United States Hunter Jumper Association (USHJA) Certified Trainer, denoting her commitment to high-quality education for her students, in a safe environment, while promoting the welfare of her horses.

“What I love about this business is that every day is different. It could be teaching a rider who’s just getting started,” Farmer Terri explained. “It could be working with a young horse, or it could be taking a rider to a horse show who’s working on qualifying for national championships.

“I love the variety of it.”

To learn more about Farmer Terri, Clairvaux Farm and how you can hone your leaderships skills with the help of horses, please visit the farm’s website and schedule a visit.

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